How Can I Protect Myself and My Children?

What help is available?

If you've been the victim of domestic abuse, you can  apply for an injunction to protect you or your child from being harmed or threatened (a 'non-molestation order'), or an injunction to decide who can live in the family home (an 'occupation order'). Check if you are eligible to apply for any injunctions

Types of orders/injuctions:

Non-molestation Order: is a civil order that can be obtained through the civil court. This will prevent a perpetrator from contacting you for a court ordered period of time.

Bail conditions: can be placed on the perpetrator if the police have arrested them following an incident of domestic abuse. Often, bail conditions will prevent a perpetrator from attending the address or contacting you, but these are also time bound

Restraining Order: A restraining order is usually attached to a criminal offence which has progressed and concluded in the courts. This can vary in time depending on what the criminal courts agree to

Harassment Order: this is an order which can be granted by the civil courts if you have been harassed by somebody you are not in an intimate relationship or someone who isn’t your family, such as a neighbour for example.

Stop domestic violence