North Warwickshire UKSPF Advisory Panel - Minutes 14/12/23

North Warwickshire UKSPF Advisory Panel - Minutes

Thursday 14 December 2023 10 am

Present: Cllr. D Wright (Chairperson), Cllr. Hobley, Cllr. H. Phillips, Cllr. Ridley, Steve Maxey, Becky Evans, Sally Roberts (all NWBC), Lorraine Verrall (NWCA), Mary Dunleavy (DWP), Andy Hobbis (DWP), William Tse (WCC), Sarah Newell (WCAVA)

Apologies for Absence: Cllr. Bell, Cllr. Clews, Cllr. Gosling, Matthew Epps (WCC), Charles Barlow (WCC), Uju Okereke (WCC) and Roger Minett (CA).



The Panel were reminded that the overall funding allocation for North Warwickshire is:

Funding Sources
Funding Sources 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025 Total
UKSPF Allocation £238,544 £477,088 £1,249,970 £1,965,602
Rural England Prosperity Fund   £280,000 £215,639 £495,639

Action: None

Allocations to date

The funding is fully allocated within the Communities & Place and Supporting Local Business interventions for year 2.

A small amount remains within the People & Skills intervention, with the majority of Rural England still to be allocated.

Investment Priority
Investment Priority Allocation 2022/2023 Allocation 2023/2024 Spend allocated to date Left to allocate
Communities and Place £181,044 £278,088 £458,820 £312
Local Business £27,500 £117,000 £146,488 -£1,988
People and Skills £30,000 £82,000 £68,558 £43,442
Rural England   £280,000 £45,993 £234,007

The cost of administrative support also comes from the core UKSPF funding.

Action: None

Matters Arising

Community Bookshop Repairs:

The Panel had previously allocated £2,500 towards this project.  Due to the overwhelming generosity of the local community, this funding is no longer required.

NW Connect:

This Panel originally approved £17,497 to support this project.  As a result of an unsuccessful tender process, an additional meeting was held with Members on 11 October to increase the funding allocation.  This was not approved, and SR proposed that the funding remain at the original amount but would deliver slightly fewer sessions than originally proposed; 7 instead of 9.  Members approved this.

Funding Requests and Decision Making

The following applications were received and concluded as shown:

Name Decision
North Warwickshire Teenage Markets (NWBC) Approved
Community Minibus (Old Saltleians Rugby Club) Approved
Positive Energy Solutions (NWBC) Approved
Digital Infrastructure (WCC) Request for residential properties to be identified, not businesses

Future Meeting Dates

21 February 2024 10 am Committee Room

20 March 10 am Committee Room

19 June 10 am Committee Room

18 September 10 am Committee Room

11 December 10 am Committee Room