North Warwickshire UKSPF Advisory Panel - Minutes 20/09/2023

The next panel will be held on the 14th December 2023. The deadline for applications to the next Panel is Friday 8th December 2023.

We are currently only open to applications which related to the People and Skills Investment Priority or Rural England Prosperity Fund. We are currently not taking applications which relate to Communities and Place or Supporting Local Business

North Warwickshire UKSPF Advisory Panel - Minutes

Wednesday 20 September 2023 1pm

Present: Cllr. Bell (Chairperson), Cllr. D Clews, Cllr. Gosling, Cllr. H. Phillips, Cllr. Ridley, Steve Maxey, Becky Evans, Paul Roberts, Sharon Dawson (all NWBC), Lorraine Verrall (NWCA), Roger Minett (NWCA), Mary Dunleavy (DWP), William Tse (WCC), Sarah Newell (WCAVA)

Apologies for Absence:  Cllr. D Wright, Sally Roberts (NWBC), Julie Taylor (NWBC), Matthew Epps (WCC)


Funding Sources
Funding Sources 2022 - 2023 2023 - 2024 2024 - 2025 Total
UKSPF Allocation £238,544 £477,088 £1,249,970 £1,965,602
Rural England Prosperity Fund   £280,000 £215,639 £495,639

Allocations to Date

The funding is fully allocated for the Communities & Place and Supporting Local Business interventions for year 2, with a small amount left in People & Skills.  The majority of Rural England Prosperity Fund is currently unallocated:

Investment Priority
Investment Priority Allocation (2022 / 2023) Allocation (2023 / 2024) Spend allocated to date Left to allocate
Communities and Place £181,044 £278,088 £458,820 £312
Local Business £27,500 £117,000 £146,583 -£2,083
People and Skills £30,000 £82,000 £28,558 £83,442
Rural England   £280,000 £13,500 £266,500

Matters Arising

Money Max:

The Panel previously allocated funding to this project.  Unfortunately, Warwickshire Welfare Rights Advice Service can no longer deliver the project as the organisation has wound down.


Following an unsuccessful application to the last Panel, this project has been resubmitted with a proposal for a pilot.

Volunteer It Yourself:

Following an unsuccessful application to the last Panel, this project has been resubmitted with a proposal for a pilot.

NW Connect:

This project was previously approved by the Panel, however following a unsuccessful procurement process to seek an organisation to deliver the project, additional funding is being requested.

Business Support:

4 of the areas of business support are currently going through the procurement process to establish which organisations can deliver the programmes of work.

Rural England Prosperity Fund

The Rural Fund can only fund capital projects which sit within the UKSPF investment priorities for:

  • Community and Place
  • Supporting Local Business

The allocations for this funding are:

Communities and Place

Provision of gigabit capable digital infrastructure at rural hubs for community use


EV charging points and community energy schemes for rural communities and support tourism activity:


Improve visitor experience and accessibility of assets:


Development of social and human capital in local places:


Supporting Local Business

Net zero infrastructure and diversification of farm businesses


Creation of multi-functional rural businesses and establishment of rural community business


Development of trails and tourism products including infrastructure support


Funding Requests and Decision Making
Name Outcome
NW Connect and Learn MMM More information requested
Increasing Access to Work Through Beam Approved
Volunteer It Yourself Approved
Enhancing Rural Pathway & Open Spaces (Hood Lane Farm Bed & Breakfast) Approved
Play area and green space accessibility (NWBC) Approved
Lea Marston Playground path and adult fitness trail Approved

Future Meeting Dates

14th December 2023 10am Committee Room