UKSPF Success Stories

Success stories from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund

Within this part of our website, you can read about all of the ongoing and completed projects that are being funded by the UK Shared Prosperity Fund. The UK Shared Prosperity Fund is a central pillar of the UK Government's Levelling Up agenda and provides £2.6 billion of funding for local investment by March 2025. The Fund aims to improve pride in place and increase life chances across the UK by investing in communities and places; supporting local businesses; and people and skills.


Funded by UK Government



This project is funded by the UK government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund. Beam is a leading organisation providing employment and housing support for individuals further away from the house and job market and is currently delivering in over 70 Local Authorities across the UK. Beam is a social enterprise that supports socially excluded into employment by the following means:

Financial barriers: Socially excluded residents in North Warwickshire often face financial barriers to entering employment. Beam creates personalised budgets for its service users and funds all the costs associated with starting and securing a job, using its innovative crowdfunding tool.

Support barriers: North Warwickshire residents approaching the Council and the DWP often have higher support needs and require more personalised, intensive one-to-one support. Beam offers personalised, intensive one-to-one support, including 3 months after work is achieved, with a focus on sustainment.

Employability expertise: Beam offers wrap-around employability support, including support navigating job boards, interview preparation and feedback coaching, cover letter and CV development, one-to-one job hunting sessions, support fostering relationships with prospective employers, funding for training courses, personalised career goal coaching and morale-boosting support at every step of the way to set every member up for success.

Please contact Kyra Norman for more information

Hurley K Barrier Installation

A new K Barrier was installed in Hurley to improve accessibility. This project is funded by the UK government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.

K Barrier

Kitwood Avenue K Barrier Installation

A brand new K Barrier has been installed in Kitwood Avenue, Dordon, replacing a yellow metal gate, to help improve accessibility. This project is funded by the UK government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.

Kitwood K Barrier

Grange End K Barrier Replacement

A new K Barrier in Grange End has been built, replacing an old wooden gate. This project is funded by the UK government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.

Grange Road K barrier

Cole End Park and Nature Reserve Steps Project

Cole End Park and Nature Reserve in Coleshill have had their steps rebuilt, in replacement of the old steps which were not very accessible. The re-modelled steps have been funded by the Rural England Prosperity Fund.

cole end steps

Baxterley School Room Accessible Toilet Project 

Phase One of the Baxterley School Room project - building a Fully Accessible Toilet - is now underway at The School Room, Baxterley Church CV9 2HS. Baxterley Church are continuing to raise money for Phase Two, and they are continuing to build relationships with the local community, getting residents involved in wanting to support this project.

Baxterley Church has received £24,999.00 from the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.


Mancetter K Barrier

There has been a K Barrier installed in Mancetter Recreation Ground, through funding awarded by the UK Shared Prosperity Fund. The main project focus was to improve accessibility and to stop anti-social behaviour, as the previous entry points made it difficult for mobility scooters and pushchairs to use and gain access.

Mancetter K Barrier