North Warwickshire UKSPF Advisory Panel - Minutes 23/03/2023

Thursday 23 March 10am

Present: Cllr. D Wright, Cllr. Bell, Cllr. Reilly, Cllr. D Clews, Cllr. Gosling, Cllr. Morson

Steve Maxey, Becky Evans, Sally Roberts (all NWBC), Lorraine Verrall (NWCA), Roger Minett (NWCA), Mary Dunleavy (DWP), Allison Wiggin (Warwickshire Police), William Tse (WCC), Matthew Epps (WCC), David Simkins (WCAVA)

Apologies for Absence:  Simon Powell (NWBC)

Item 3


Spend to date

It was noted by the Panel that due to the pace required to determine the funding allocation for 2022 / 2023, a number of projects have been proposed:

  1. AccessAble cost of contract for year 1
  2. Footfall counter licences
  3. Baxterley in Bloom Sensory Garden
  4. Site improvement at Sycamore Road play area, Kingsbury
  5. Play area improvement at Abbey Green Park, Polesworth
  6. Supplementary Planning Document
  7. CCTV cameras – fly tipping
  8. CCTV cameras
  9. Storage container for Atherstone Partnership
  10. “Money Mx”
  11. Additional football counters
  12. Old Bank House survey
  13. Business Support Review
  14. Cost of Living training sessions

This results in the following:

Spend to date
Investment Priority Total Allocation 2022/2023   Actual spend to date 17 March 2023   Left to allocate 
Communities and Place   £181044.00   £129328.70  £51715.30
People and Skills  £27500.00  £16460.83  £11039.17
Local Business  £30000.00  £7558.00  £22442.00

The Decision-Making Panel approved all projects and associated spend to date.

It was requested that future presentations include a geographical breakdown of current spend.

Action: BE

Item 4 and 5a


Funding requests and decision making

The following applications were received and concluded as shown:

Applications and Decisions
Name Decision
NWCA Welcome Street Premises (NWCA) APPROVED
Coleshill – Institute of Place Management Report (NWBC) APPROVED
North Warwickshire Business Support Programme (WCC) Members are happy in principle to work with WCC on co-commissioning related services subject to further information on specific proposals being submitted and approved by this Panel
Community Outreach Physiotherapy (A5 Physio) Approved subject to more information being provided as requested by Members
Commissioning Support for People and Skills (WCC) Members are happy in principle to work with WCC on co-commissioning related services subject to further information on specific proposals being submitted and approved by this Panel.
Replacement Windows and Doors at Middleton Hall Approved subject to a project brief being submitted with the appropriate information

NW Connect (NWBC)

Susan Pallet Playground (Middleton Parish Council) APPROVED
Save Our Bookshop (Books Revisited Coleshill) APPROVED
Coleshill Big Day Out (NWBC) APPROVED
Membership of Heritage Trust Network (North Warwickshire Heritage Forum) APPROVED
Mancetter and Piccadilly Recreation Ground K-Barriers APPROVED
Play Area Improvements at Kitwood Avenue, Dordon APPROVED
Play Area Improvements at Brook Walk, Mancetter APPROVED
North Warwickshire Young Business Links (Coventry and Warwickshire CDA) Approved subject to more information being provided as requested by Members
Royal Meadow Drive Pitch Assessment and Building Condition Survey (Atherstone Sports Club) APPROVED

Item 5b


Forward look

Consideration should be given to employing an officer to support individuals / groups to apply for appropriate grants to improve access to the funding.

BE to bring a proposal to the next Panel for consideration.

Action: BE

It was noted that there were no representatives from Health or Education.  Appropriate representatives are to be invited to the next Panel meeting.

Action: BE

The Decision-Making Panel discussed the requests for play area improvements and agreed that moving forward funding will be limited to 50% of the total project costs.  BE to add to the guidance notes.

Action: BE

Future Meeting Dates

To be confirmed