CD- G Strategic Gap and Landscape Evidence Base

Core Document Ref Document Title Document Reference
G1 North Warwickshire Landscape Character Assessment and Capacity Study August 2010 J/4189/Final Report/Nwarks LCA Final Report Aug 2010.doc
G2 NWBC Meaningful Gap Assessment – 10 August 2015  
G3 Assessment of the Value of the Meaningful Gap and Potential Green Belt Alterations. LUC (January 2018) Version 3 (Dated January 2018)
G4 Guidelines for Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment, third edition (2013)  
G5 Landscape Institute TNG 06/19 Visual Representation of Development Proposals (2019).  
G6 Strategic Gap and Green Wedge Policies in Structure Plans: Main Report (ODPM, 2001)  
G7 Assessing Landscape Value Outside of National Designations  
G8 National Character Area 97, Arden  
G9 Warwickshire Landscape Guidelines (1993): Arden Landscape Character Area  
G10 Natural England (2019): An Approach to Landscape Sensitivity Assessment – to Inform Spatial Management and Land Management  
G11 LUC Review of Applicant’s LVIA Dated March 2022
G12 SLR Landscape Technical Note 403.11077.00001 (Dated 20 May 2022)
G13 LUC – Review of LVIA, Consideration of Strategic Gap and Appendix A Review of Additional Information Dated July 2022
G14 SLR Response to LUC 403.11077.00001 Rev 02 (Dated 27 January 2023)
G15 LUC - Statement of Agreed Matters Dated 15 May 2023
G16 SLR Response to LUC 403.11077.00001 Rev 03 (Dated May 2023)
G17 LUC – Appendix B Review of Additional Information Dated August 2023
G18 SLR Response to LUC Rev 04 (Dated 20 March 2024)
G19 PAP/2014/0648 appeal M42 POE  
G20 PAP/2014/0648 appeal M42 closing  
G21 G21 - European_Landscape_Convention 20 February 2008  
G22 NWBC Meaningful Gap Assessment - January 2015  
G23 Landscape Character Assessment, Nicholas Pearson Associates, January 2018  
G24 Critical Appraisal of Meaningful Gap Evidence Base, Nicholas Pearson Associates, March 2018  
G25 Board Report for Planning Application Ref: PAP/2019/0498 - erection of replacement teaching block at Polesworth School Decision Notice for Planning Application Ref: PAP/2019/0498 - erection of replacement teaching block at Polesworth School  
G26 Board Report for Planning Application Ref: PAP/2022/0147 - erection of new industrial building (B2/B8/E(g)(ii))  Decision Notice for Planning Application Ref: PAP/2022/0147 - erection of new industrial building (B2/B8/E(g)(ii))  
G27 Active England_15-2-24-Comments - PAP- 2024-0024  
G28 WSP Meeting Note – Meeting between Hodgetts Estates, WSP, SLR and NWBC, LUC on 31 January 2023  
G29 Landscape Character Assessment: Guidance for England and Scotland, Countryside Agency (now Natural England, 2002  
G30 PAP-2014-0648 - Appeal - M42 NWBC Closing Submission  
G31 Ordnance Survey Warwickshire VI.NW (includes: Baddesley Ensor; Dordon; Grendon; Polesworth) – 1885 OS Map – with Blue Line Site Boundary Overlay JPG PDF