Planning Appeal

A planning inquiry related to Land On The North East of J10 M42, Dordon/A5, Polesworth opens at 10am on 18th June 2024 and is anticipated to run for at least 8 days.
Please contact the Local Planning Authority to register your interest in attending the Inquiry via email at:  or by calling 01827 719341. This will enable us to update you quickly of any changes.
Reason for inquiry

Appeal by Mr D Hodgetts - Hodgetts Estate relating to the application to North Warwickshire Borough Council.
Appeal:  APP/R3705/W/24/3336295

North Warks  BC application: PAP/2021/0663 Following outline appeal against non determination 

Description of works: 
Outline planning permission for development of land within Use Class B2 (general industry), Use Class B8 (storage and distribution) and Use Class E(g)(iii) (light industrial), and ancillary infrastructure and associated works, development of overnight lorry parking facility and ancillary infrastructure and associated works. Details of access submitted for approval in full, all other matters reserved

Address: Land On The North East of J10 M42, Dordon/A5, Polesworth

Case Officer contact at the Planning Inspectorate
Kerr Brown
Email :
Tel : 0303 444 5243
Subject to change following document updates

Overall appeal timetable
Full details can be found on the Inspector's Start date letter and Case Management Conference Note 

APP/R3705/W/24/3336295 - Land north-east of Junction 10 of the M42 Motorway, Dordon, North Warwickshire

Live Stream of the Inquiry - This only relates to evidence from Dorothy Barratt on 25 June and 26 June.

Draft Inquiry Timetable (Version 4)

These timings will, of course, be dependent on witness & advocate availability etc, and may need to be reviewed. The timetable is subject to change – depending on progress.

Friday 21 Jun – 0930 – Accompanied site visit

Tuesday 25 Jun – 0930 – Highways Round Table Session (RTS) involving NH Highways witness (Patrick Thomas), Appellant’s Highways witness (Dr Nick Bunn) and possibly also WCC Highways witness (Moises Muguerza Espino) / RTS to be followed by further non NH-related Highways evidence from WCC Highways witness (Moises Muguerza Espino) and Appellant’s Highways witness (Dr Nick Bunn) / then Council’s Need/Ec Benefits witness (Dorothy Barratt) (start)

Wednesday 26 Jun – 0930 - Council’s Need/Ec Benefits witness (Dorothy Barratt) (cont) / Appellant’s first Need/Ec Benefits witness (David Binks) / Appellant’s second Need/Ec Benefits witness (Jon Turner) (start)

Thursday 27 Jun – 0930 – Appellant’s second Need/Ec Benefits witness (Jon Turner) (cont) / Appellant’s third Need/Ec Benefits witness (Mike Hatfield) / Appellant’s fourth Need/Ec Benefits witness (Prof Jim Coleman) (start)

Friday 28 Jun – 0900 – Appellant’s fourth Need/Ec Benefits witness (Prof Jim Coleman) (cont) / Council’s Planning witness (Andrew Collinson) / Adjourn mid-afternoon

Tuesday 2 July – 1000 – Local R6 Party Planning witness (Jonathan Weekes) / Appellant’s Planning witness (Doug Hann) (start)

Wednesday 3 July – 0930 – Appellant’s Planning witness (Doug Hann) (cont) / Conditions and S106 round table sessions (if time)

Thursday 4 July – 0930 – Conditions and S106 round table sessions (if not completed yesterday)

Tuesday 9 July – start time TBC – Conditions and S106 round table sessions (if not completed previous week - if Inquiry needs to sit on this date, the sessions will be held virtually, via Microsoft Teams)

Wednesday 10 July - Start time TBC – Closing Submissions (any interested persons, then NH, the Local R6 Party, then Council, and finally the appellant) / Costs applications (if any) / Close of Inquiry

A copy of the Draft Inquiry Timetable can be found here.

A copy of latest Core Documents list is here.

Core Documents Index

CDA  Appellant's Application Submission (Ref: PAP/2021/0663)

CDB Additional/Amended Reports and/or Plans submitted after validation 2.1 22

CDC Relevant LPA Correspondence

CDD Appeal Document including submission, statement of common ground, Rule 6 statements, case management notes, Inspectors appeal document

CDE Committee Reports including Statutory Consultations

CDF Planning Policy Documents including NPPF, NPPG, Development Plan Documents

CDG Strategic Gap and Landscape Evidence Base

CDH Highways Evidence Base

CDI Employment land including Lorry Parking Evidence Base

CDJ Other Topic Evidence

CDK Relevant Appeal Decision and Judgement

CDL Other Relevant Documents

ID Inquiry Documents