Planning Injunctions

Section 187B of the Town & Country Planning Act 1990 provides the Local Planning Authority the opportunity to apply to the court for an injunction to restrain an actual or apprehended breach of planning control, when it is considered necessary and expedient to do so. However, these powers are only used in the most serious of cases that are likely to cause significant and potentially irreparable planning harm. Injunctions can be utilised regardless of whether or not we have exercised or are proposing to exercise any other enforcement powers. 

Below are the list of Planning Injunctions and/or Court Orders currently in effect within the Borough. 

We will be closely monitoring these sites, but if you believe a new breach of the orders has occurred, please let us know by using the reporting form. 

Barn Fishery, Atherstone Road, Hartshill

Land Adjacent Kirby Glebe Farm, Atherstone Road, Hartshill

If you have any questions regarding these Injunctions please email