Equality and Inclusion Partnership

The Equality and Inclusion Partnership is a charity promoting equality and inclusion across Warwickshire.  

The services that EqUIP offer include provide support, advice and training on a huge range of issues relating to discrimination, equality and community cohesion.  Further information is detailed on their website.

Partnership working

EQuIP works in partnership with a range of different agencies and organisations both within and outside Warwickshire and aims to allow;

  • A co-ordinated approach to delivering equality services
  • A single point of entry for service users and those affected by discrimination
  • Better connectivity to grassroots communities through shared resources and contacts
  • Shared learning and best practices, such as joint and shared training
  • A collective viewpoint and voice when advocating community issues
  • An alignment of equality priorities
  • Joint projects and partnership working
  • A collective response to changing environments through a more effective system.

For further details please contact EqUIP on

Telephone 01788 863 117

Email advice@equipequality.org.uk

Room 127 - Morgan Conference Suite
Warwickshire College
Technology Drive

CV21 1AR

 or email policy@northwarks.gov.uk.