Vision, Priorities and Objectives
Set out below are the Council's 6 priorities and information about some of the key actions we are taking and objectives we have set which contribute towards achieving our Equality Duty:
Our approach
In developing our approach the Council's priorities have taken into account the priorities set by the North Warwickshire Community Partnership for the North Warwickshire Sustainable Community Strategy 2009 - 2026.
The Council uses Customer Insight information and community profiles to inform our service development. Internally within the Council, Equality Impact Assessments of changes have and will continue to be taken and reported to Members as appropriate.
Work with individual community representatives reflecting the needs associated with the protected characteristics will be a feature of our approach to consultation and communication.
Our 6 Priorities
Making the best use of our resources (including keeping both Council Tax and debt as low as possible) to provide high-quality services to our communities.
To undertake work in line with the Human Resources Strategy, including:-
- Monitoring/managing sickness absence.
- Ensuring compliance with employment legislation.
- Health and Safety
- Staff Development
To ensure that the Council is making best use of its staff and other resources when taking forward its priorities and to report on this issue when new initiatives, including budget savings, are considered
To continue to seek opportunities to rationalise the Council’s property portfolio, including:-
- Working with partners in the public and voluntary sectors and reviewing the Council’s property assets to ensure they support the Council’s priorities and deliver key services in the most efficient and cost-effective way.
- Continue to work through a programme of capital and maintenance improvements to key Council buildings, community buildings, shops and industrial units, including seeking ways to reduce, where possible, our carbon footprint.
- Identify any land or property which is surplus to requirements (and dispose of, as appropriate) but also look to identify opportunities to expand the Council’s corporate property portfolio where that would generate additional revenue income.
To review the Local Council Tax Reduction Scheme, to ensure that it remains affordable and fit for purpose by December 2018
To implement, and then maintain, any changes required by the General Data Protection Regulations by May 2018
Working with our communities and partners to enable our residents to both be and feel safer, whether at home or in and around the Borough.
To consider the findings of the 2018-19 North Warwickshire Community Safety Partnership Strategic Assessment and, to work with the community including the Police, Town and Parish Councils and young people to improve public perception and public confidence by contributing towards the achievement of the partnership plan actions and targets for the 2018/2019 strategic priorities relating to:-
- Violent Crime – with a focus on domestic violence and abuse, sexual offences and drug and alcohol related;
- Anti-Social Behaviour;
- Road Safety – with a focus on road traffic accidents resulting in killed or serious injuries;
- Crime in Rural Areas including targeting emerging trends and hot spot locations.
In addition to the above priorities vulnerability will be considered as a cross cutting theme and residential burglary and hate crime being areas of concern. Reducing re-offending is considered to be a key part of the actions to address the priorities identified above.
To work in partnership to improve referrals and engagement with treatment services for drug and alcohol abuse and support the local Police Safer Neighbourhood Teams in tackling drug related offences
To continue working with partners to resolve Safer Neighbourhood issues, including, where necessary, taking action to address anti-social and nuisance behaviour
To carry out the Council’s obligations as a member of the Warwickshire Safeguarding Children Board, including those relating to the Child Protection Policy and, where appropriate, to co-ordinate all related activity alongside the need to safeguard adults and other vulnerable people in the community and to report on progress by March 2019
To carry out the Council’s obligations as a member of the Warwickshire Safeguarding Adults Board. This will include delivering a comprehensive training programme for staff during 2018, to support the Council’s policy and procedures
Protecting and improving our countryside and heritage in times of significant growth challenges and opportunities
Providing opportunities to enable local people to enjoy their leisure and recreation and to improve their health and wellbeing
To continue to work in partnership with other agencies to tackle health inequalities and specifically to co-ordinate the sustainable implementation of the new corporate Health and Wellbeing Action Plan (2017 to 2020), including its focus on priorities that are compatible with those of the approved Health, Well-being and Leisure Strategy, the Community Partnership and the Warwickshire North Health and Well-being Partnership
In conjunction with WCC and other partners, to ensure the success of the Women’s 2018 International Cycle Race and its impact upon the community of North Warwickshire. Encourage and support the future staging of similar events within the Borough
Working with local residents including our tenants and partners to help our communities to be sustainable and vibrant, both in terms of facilities and lifestyle
In order to promote and support community life, the Borough Council:-
- Will work in conjunction with partners through the North Warwickshire Community Partnership in order to advance the priorities and objectives of the North Warwickshire Sustainable Community Strategy including, in respect of the commitment to improve access to opportunities, services and facilities for local residents and will report annually in March on progress.
- Ensure the active engagement of partners, stakeholders and the community within the Action Plans that support the approved and targeted approach to Community Development work and report on progress by March 2019.
To report in March 2019 on the work of the local Financial Inclusion Partnership including, for 2018/19, to advise on actions and initiatives undertaken to mitigate local impact of the Welfare Reform programme and other economic changes in order to maximise the collection of monies due to the Council and best support customers to find solutions to help themselves
To report by September 2018 on progress on the delivery of the Customer Access Strategy, including the use of Community Hubs, the BOB bus, increased take-up of online services and the success of driving channel shift.
In partnership with Job Centre Plus, implement the ongoing roll-out of Universal Credit and input into the Universal Support/Delivery local agenda, to support residents impacted by providing support and advice
To work with public, voluntary and business partners to deliver ongoing food-related projects if a business case can be agreed to continue to support individuals and community organisations supported from our award-winning innovative food hub project. Quarterly reports on progress will be made to the North Warwickshire Community Partnership and an annual report will be made to the Community & Environment Board in March 2019
To ensure we communicate effectively to help inform residents, businesses and all sections of our communities of the Council’s services and priorities and to make clear the opportunities for them to be involved in decision making via consultation. To take into account the LGA Communications Health-Check and the commitments in the Council’s Customer Access Strategy in all aspects of work in this area and to report on progress by May 2018
Supporting employment and business to grow the local economy in terms of access to work, skills improvement and wider business development opportunities
To continue to work with partner organisations in the Coventry, Warwickshire and Hinckley Joint Committee and to consider further options for joint work in the light of Central Government proposals for greater devolution, if this proves beneficial to the local economy
- Work with the County Council, Job CentrePlus and other partners to provide and promote apprenticeships/training opportunities; and
- Administer funding provided by developers and through other funding sources to maximise opportunities for employment of local people including employment engagement activity, development of work clubs and bespoke training.
To work with the County Council, Town/Parish Councils and other partners to maximise section 106/CIL contributions for infrastructure, biodiversity offsetting and community improvements
In partnership with the Local Action Group and Hinckley & Bosworth Borough Council, to continue to ensure the successful delivery of the LEADER programme (2015 to 2020) in accordance with the priorities identified in the approved Local Development Strategy and Business Plan and to report on progress by March 2019
Look at ways to improve transport links, including cycle links, footpath links, public transport and HGV parking to local employment and report on progress by March 2019
To develop a North Warwickshire Transport Strategy, together with Warwickshire County Council, by March 2019
To work to improve broadband access for the people and businesses of North Warwickshire through the work of the Council and specifically the Coventry, Solihull and Warwickshire BDUK Project and report on progress by December 2018