Why you must make sure you pay your rent

Your rent covers the cost of us managing, maintaining and repairing your home.

Depending on the type of accommodation that you live in, additional charges may also be added to your rent to cover the cost of some further services that you receive, e.g. window cleaning, cleaning of communal areas and grounds maintenance.

Making sure your rent is paid in full and on time is one of the main conditions of your tenancy.

It is important that you pay your rent or that you contact us immediately if you are having difficulty paying.

We will always try to help tenants who are having problems but if you repeatedly do not pay your rent, the Council will apply to the County Court for Possession of your home and seek Court costs.  This action could lead to you being evicted, it will affect your credit rating and impact on your ability to obtain credit including mobile telephone contracts, hire purchase agreements etc.

Your rent is a priority debt and should be paid before any other debts, if you cannot pay your rent contact your Tenancy Services Officer using the details displayed on this page.

Cost of Living Support

We understand residents may be concerned about the rising cost of living. This webpage provides information and useful links to a range of different agencies which may be able to help those needing further support.

Help and Support