Difficulty paying your rent

If you are having a problem with your rent you should contact us to discuss your options.

We will always try to help tenants who are having difficulty, for example by:

  • helping you to check that you are claiming all of the benefits that you are entitled to
  • telling you where you can get help with budgeting and managing your money
  • reaching an agreement so that you can pay back any rent arrears that may have built up over time, at a rate that you can afford.

If you wish to discuss your rent with us in confidence, please contact us by telephone or email. Don't bury your head in the sand, contact your Tenancy Services Officer using the contact details displayed on this page.

Contact the Citizens Advice Bureau for independent financial advice and support

Tenancy Services

Out of Hours Emergency Repairs Telephone: 01827 715341 (calls will be directed to the lifeline centre which is manned 24 hours a day)

Address: Housing Division
North Warwickshire Borough Council
South Street, Atherstone,
Warwickshire, CV9 1DE

Telephone: 01827715341

Cost of Living Support

We understand residents may be concerned about the rising cost of living. This webpage provides information and useful links to a range of different agencies which may be able to help those needing further support.

Help and Support