Support Services

The Council works in partnership with other agencies who offer support to applicants depending on their individual circumstances.  For example, there is support available for young single people, domestic abuse sufferers, people who misuse drugs and for young parents.

Warwickshire County Council provide a range of services that are either accommodation-based, where support is provided to people living in specific accommodation, or are provided on a floating support basis where the support worker visits customers in their own homes.  For further information about the support services they provide and the support providers contact details go to Warwickshire County Council Housing Related Support website.

Link to Warwickshire Housing Related Support:  

Young Families

A young families scheme based in Atherstone provides accommodation-based support to young families between the ages of 16-15 years.  The service offers the opportunity to gain independent living skills so that the young family is able to move on and live independently.  The Council can make referrals to the Scheme and direct self referrals can also be made.

Link to Salvation Army Housing Association:

Support for Young People

Doorway is a registered that works with vulnerable young people aged 16-25yrs who are homeless or in housing need in Warwickshire. It is open to young people every Monday – Friday 10 am – 4 pm for advice or support. Young people have access to a variety of services at Doorway within a safe and friendly environment. Staff are at hand to support young people if required. If you are homeless or threatened with homelessness you will be able to see a member of our advice team who will be able to assess your circumstances and support you with your housing options

Link to Doorway:

Domestic Abuse

The Domestic Abuse Counselling Service is a non-profitable charity organisation that came into being in January 2006 and is available to both female and male victims of abuse in Nuneaton, North Warwickshire and Stratford upon Avon. Their counselling service is made possible through the use of staff and volunteer counsellors and is available to both female and male victims.

Link to DACS:

Link to Warwickshire County Council Domestic Abuse:

Money Advice

The Citizens Advice Bureau provides an information, advice and advocacy service throughout North Warwickshire, which is flexible and responsive to the needs of the community.

Advice is free, confidential, independent, impartial and available regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, belief, disability or income level.  North Warwickshire Citizens Advice Bureau is located in Atherstone and can be contacted by phoning 0844 855 2322 or by emailing

Link to North Warwickshire Citizens Advice Bureau: North Warwickshire Citizens Advice - Citizens Advice

Money advice from North Warwickshire Borough Council