Shop Front Improvement Grants - Guidance Notes


The purpose of this funding scheme is to offer small grants to businesses in the town centres, and across North Warwickshire, to enable small-scale external improvement works to be undertaken.

These works will include things such as:

  • basic improvements to shopfronts
  • cleaning
  • repairs to building facades
  • signage
  • visual improvements to the shop windows of empty units


Grant applications are being sought from any independent customer-facing business (including those in the retail or service sector) based in North Warwickshire, including those operating through a franchise arrangement. The bigger retail chains, who have a centralised head office, will not be eligible to apply.


Businesses will be able to apply for a grant of up to £2,000, through the submission of a simple online form. The amount of money being requested must be based on a quote, from a registered tradesperson, and offer good value for money.

Grants of up to £5,000 will be available in exceptional circumstances, where there is clear justification of need. In this situation, the applicant will be required to contribute an equal amount of money to the project, allowing for the delivery of works up to the value of £10,000.

Applications can be submitted at any time and will be considered by a panel, which will meet on a monthly basis.

Successful applicants will be asked to sign a Grant Funding Agreement (GFA), prior to starting any work.

Important Points to Note

  • The money will be transferred to the applicant business on approval of the application. This will enable the work to be paid for on completion. It is important that no work is undertaken ahead of a panel decision being made, and a grant will not be paid for any work that has already happened.
  • Grant requests being made by a tenant, should ensure that they have the permission of the landlord prior to making an application.
  • The premises where the work is taking place must be located within the borough of North Warwickshire
  • All work must take account of planning regulations, particularly for businesses located in a Conservation Area. This includes consideration of possible restrictions for things such as illuminated signage, paint colours, etc. Guidance will be provided to all applicants, in advance of the work starting, and specific details should be discussed with the Borough Council’s Heritage and Conservation Officer.
  • On competition of the work, the Borough Council will be requesting a short case study to detail the difference that the funding has made, including photographic evidence of the changes made.