Shop Front Improvement Grants

Shop front

As part of its ongoing efforts to support local businesses and to help improve the look of the towns and villages, North Warwickshire Borough Council has committed £100,000 to a new Shop Front Improvement Grants scheme.

What is the grant for?

Grants are available to any customer-facing business operating in North Warwickshire that would like to improve the appearance of their shop front.

How much can I apply for?

Businesses can apply for a grant of up to £2,000 to cover the cost of the work.

Is there a deadline?

Applications can be made at any time, via a simple online form, and they will be considered by a grant panel, which will meet on a monthly basis.

What improvements qualify?

Grants will cover the cost of basic exterior improvements, which can include painting, cleaning, minor repairs, and signage. Works must comply with all appropriate planning and other regulations.

Please see Guidance Notes on the following page.

Click here to apply

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