High Quality and Sustainable Development

Rural and historical character is apparent across the Borough, both within the main settlements and in isolated locations. It is our intention to ensure new development draws on the positive elements of this character and carries it forward in new proposals. In addition, it is also our intention to ensure the development is suitably located, close to local services and facilities, and accessible by a range of transport methods.

In design terms, if you are planning to build an extension or new building, have a look at how the existing building, or any nearby buildings look. What types of materials are used? Is there detailing around the eaves, windows or doors? Is the roof pitched, hipped or flat? How do the buildings relate to the highway and public footpaths, and how is the site laid out? These types of questions form the foundation towards a high quality design.

Sustainable development is the main thrust of the National Planning Policy Framework. The purpose of planning is to help achieve sustainable development and at the heart of National Planning Policy Framework is a presumption of sustainable development.