Climate Action Plan

Following a public consultation that closed on 24th July 2022 the Council produced a Climate Action Plan.

In the plan we've set targets to work with our communities, partners, local businesses, and other key stakeholders to work together to stop the release of greenhouse gas emissions in North Warwickshire.

 By achieving these targets, we will ensure all our processes, buildings and services are Net-Zero carbon by 2030. The Climate Action Plan considers the main services provided by the Council and separates theses into 7 focus areas. Each focus area has its own challenges and opportunities and the Council is committed to working across each area to reduce emissions, achieve net-zero emissions and minimise the risks of climate change on the community and the Council.

  1. Travel and transport (Focus Area 1)
  2. Waste (Focus Area 2)
  3. Our Buildings (Focus Area 3)
  4. Housing (Focus Area 4)
  5. Forward Planning and development management (Focus Area 5)
  6. Supporting Communities (Focus Area 6)
  7. Biodiversity and open space management (Focus Area 7)

The Climate Action Plan serves as a guide for the Council's climate response. The plan is expected to continue developing as we move closer towards net-zero, adding new actions and removing completed actions. These updated action plans will be published onto the Council website as they are developed. 

The current Climate Action Plan can be downloaded here Download the Climate Change Action Plan here

To provide feedback on the Action Plan, or be involved in local climate action, email