Harassment, intimidation and threats

We can prosecute site owners for offences of harassment or illegal eviction.

You should contact us if:

  • you are evicted without a court order
  • you are harassed or intimidated into giving up your home
  • the site owner has carried out acts which are likely to interfere with your peace and comfort (for example, being aggressive or threatening to remove your home from the site)
  • you are threatened with services being withheld or withdrawn, for example electricity, water or gas
  • services have been withheld or withdrawn
  • you are prevented from exercising your rights, for example the right to sell your home
  • the site owner has given false or misleading information that could interfere with the sale of your home
  • you must tell the site owner if you want to sell your home and they insist they must agree to the sale
  • the site owner has insisted on approving your buyer
    • you do not need to give the site owner your buyer’s contact details or references
    • your buyer does not need to have contactor an interview with the site owner
  • the site owner has stopped you from using a solicitor or estate agent to sell your home
  • the site owner has made you or your buyer carry out a survey

Reasons a site owner or their representative may enter a pitch without prior notice between 9am and 6pm:

  • delivering written communications
  • reading service meters which they are responsible for

A site owner or their representative may also enter a pitch for essential repairs or emergency work. They must give you as much notice as possible.

If a site owner or their representative needs to enter a pitch for any other reason they must give you a minimum of 14 days written notice.

The notice must tell you the:

  • time they will attend
  • date of the appointment
  • reason for the visit

The site owner has no legal right to enter a home under any circumstances. If they wish to meet with a homeowner, they cannot enter the pitch and insist on entry to the home. A site owner would need to write to the homeowner to arrange an appointment but the homeowner does not have to agree to a meeting.

If your complaint does not relate to any of the above contact LEASE Park Home Advisory Service who provide impartial advice to residents and owners of residential mobile sites on the legal relationship between resident and site owner.

Lease Park Home Advisory Service: 0207 8322525