HMO standards and enforcement

We risk assess all known and suspected HMOs according to the following health and safety criteria:

  • fire safety
  • gas safety
  • electrical safety
  • repairs
  • amenity provision
  • management
  • HMO licensing

We have a duty to take action to remedy hazards, using improvement notices or prohibition orders and we can also issue civil penalties to landlords.

We will aim to work constructively with landlords to help them improve their properties in the best way to make sure they are compliant.

HMO's also require a minimum level of amenities so that they are suitable for occupation by the proposed number of households. This ensures there are enough cooking and washing facilities for the number of tenants in the property. View our HMO Space and Amenity Standards.

Fire safety is of vital importance in HMO’s compared to normal single let properties and therefore the Council will have regard to the following fire safety standards which owners can use for guidance:

You can also see other guidance about what is required as a landlord:

If you want further advice please contact the team at