Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs)

An EPC is a certificate that shows how energy efficient a property is. 

They are issued by a qualified EPC assessor and the EPC gives a rating from A (very efficient) to G (inefficient). Any properties that are rented or sold need to have one and they are valid for 10 years.  

Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards (MEES)

Minimum energy efficiency standards (MEES) were introduced by the government to improve the quality and increase the energy efficiency of privately rented houses and buildings.  

The current MEES regulations are:

  • Landlords must ensure that their properties have at least an E rated Energy Performance Certificate (EPC), whether it is a new or ongoing tenancy
  • Landlords that fail to make improvements and are not exempt from MEES, risk a financial penalty of up to £5,000 per breach and per property

The government have recently consulted on changes to the minimum energy efficiency standards in the private rented sector. One of the proposals is to increase the minimum EPC rating to C on new tenancies by 2025 and all tenancies by 2028.

Read the government consultation on improving the energy performance of privately rented homes 

If you are a private landlord, you can find out what MEES means for your property in the government guide to Domestic private rented property: minimum energy efficiency standard - landlord guidance.

This guide includes advice on:

  • If your property is covered by the regulations
  • How to improve your property's EPC rating to E
  • What qualifies as an exemption and how to register your exemption
  • How we enforce standards and penalties

Landlords with properties assessed at EPC, F or G must now improve the property rating to E or register an exemption if they want to continue to let it.

You can find further advice on potential grant funding available.

Advice for tenants

If you are a tenant in a private property and you think your home doesn't meet the minimum energy efficiency standards or has an F or G rated EPC please contact us.

You can check the energy performance certificate yourself.