Meetings, agendas and minutes
All meetings are now being broadcast on our YouTube Channel:
Find out how to speak or ask questions at a Council meeting or which Councillors are on which boards.
You can view the agendas, reports and minutes for upcoming and past meetings for individual meeting/board types listed below. You can also download a calendar of meetings.
- Annual Meeting Between Town and Parish Councils
- Area Forum - North (this no longer exists)
- Area Forum East (this no longer exists)
- Area Forum South (this no longer exists)
- Area Forum West (this no longer exists)
- Community and Environment Board
- Electoral Review Advisory Committee
- Executive Board
- Full Council
- Housing Sub-Committee (this no longer exists, all housing matters are reported to the Resources Board)
- Licensing Committee
- Licensing Committee - Alcohol and Gambling
- Licensing Committee – Taxi and General
- Local Development Framework Sub Committee
- Planning and Development Board
- Planning Sub-Committee
- Resources Board
- Safer Communities Sub-Committee
- Scrutiny Board
- Section 106 Sub-Committee
- Senior Management Recruitment Sub Committee
- Special Sub-Group
- Standards