Neighbourhood Plans
A neighbourhood plan is a plan introduced in the Localism Act. It will be the result of a community working together to decide how their local area should develop and grow in the future.
A Neighbourhood Plan gives local people a chance to create a planning document that guides and shapes development in their local area, and to influence what facilities are provided in the area as a result. The plans are about local issues rather than strategic planning issues, but must take account of national planning rules and be in general conformity with the existing adopted planning framework for North Warwickshire
Adopted Plans
These plans have been formally adopted by NWBC and now form part of the Development Plan for North Warwickshire
- Arley Neighbourhood Plan (Adopted December 2016 )
- Hartshill Neighbourhood Plan (Adopted March 2017)
- Coleshill Neighbourhood Plan (Adopted June 2017)
- Austrey Neighbourhood Plan (Adopted June 2017)
- Mancetter Neighbourhood Plan (Adopted September 2017)
- Fillongley Neighbourhood Plan (Adopted August 2019)
- Water Orton Neighbourhood Plan (Adopted June 2022)
- Dordon Neighbourhood Plan (Adopted December 2023)
- Nether Whitacre Neighbourhood Plan (Adopted January 2024)
Referendum results
Plans that are going to referendum
Polesworth Neighbourhood Plan has been examined and will be going to Planning & Development Board on Monday 3rd February with a recommendation that it goes to referendum
- Polesworth Neighbourhood Plan (showing amendments)
- Polesworh Neighbourhood Plan Policies Map
- Polesworth Neighbourhood Plan Examiners Report
- NWBC Minor Amendments to Polesworth Neighbourhood Plan
Plans examined / being examined by an appointed Inspector
Consultations by NWBC on Neighbourhood Plans (Regulation 16)
Consultations by Parish Councils on Neighbourhood Plans
Applications for Area Designation
Approved Applications for Neighbourhood Area Designation
Atherstone Town Council
- Atherstone Town Council Formal Designation letter
- Atherstone Approved Designation Area (Plan) Atherstone
Corley Parish Council
Polesworth Parish Council
- Polesworth Parish Council Formal Designation Decision Letter
- Approved Designation Area (Plan) Polesworth
Curdworth Parish Council
There are several stages in the production of a Neighbourhood Plan and they are set out below
Parish/Town Council process for Neighbourhood Plan and North Warwickshire Borough Councils Role
Step 1: process is started by the Parish/Town Council
NWBC publicise and agree the application to establish the boundary of the area to be designated (an exception to this is applications submitted by parish councils for designation of the whole of its area as a neighbourhood area. The local planning authority has to designate the neighbourhood area in such circumstances, so there are no publicity requirements)
Step 2: early community involvement, gather information and evidence, engage and consult with those living/working in the area
Step 3: draft plan is prepared for consultation of at least 6 weeks by the Parish/Town Council before formally submitting the Plan to NWBC
NWBC has a duty to provide advice and assistance
*Step 4: Plan submitted to Council who will publicise it and invite comments for a minimum period of 6 weeks. Any comments will be sent to the independent Examiner
Step 5: NWBC arrange and pay for independent examination. The independent examiner may recommend that the plan proceed to the referendum stage (for example, it meets all the legal requirements) or may suggest that modifications are needed to the plan before it can proceed to the referendum. Or they may recommend that it does not proceed to the referendum, if it does not meet the relevant legal requirements. In addition, they may recommend that the referendum area include individuals beyond the boundary of the neighbourhood area.
*Step 6: Plan goes for a local referendum. NWBC will arrange and fund the local referendum. The rules for the referendum are set out in the Neighbourhood Planning (Referendums) Regulations. Anybody registered to vote in the area covered by your Neighbourhood Plan will be entitled to vote. A simple majority of votes (over 50 per cent of those voting) in favour of your Neighbourhood Plan is sufficient for it to succeed.
*Step 7: Plan adopted by Council
Step 8: Adopted Plan gets reviewed
*NWBC will also take a Board Report to Members seeking approval to go out for Consultation at Step 4, Referendum at Step 6 and also seeking approval to adopt the plan at Step 7
NWBC have produced a Guide to Neighbourhood Planning
The following websites contain further information which may be of use
- (Green Space Designations)
- (Policy writing)
For further information please email