Supplementary Planning Documents/Other Documents
Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs) expand upon, and support, policies contained within the North Warwickshire Local Plan and forthcoming Core Strategy. These perform the same role as Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG), which remain relevant unless revised or replaced by a SPD. The content of SPDs and SPGs concentrate on detailed issues, and are a material consideration in determining planning applications.
Adopted Supplementary Planning Documents:
- Affordable Housing SPD (2008)
- Affordable Housing Addendum (2010)
- Air Quality SPD (2019)
- Provision of facilities for waste and recycling for new developments and property conversions (2023)
- Planning Obligations for Sport, Recreation and Open Space (2023)
Adopted Supplementary Planning Guidance:
- A Guide for the Design of Householder Developments (2003)
- A Guide for Shopfront Design (2003)
- A Guide for the Design of Lighting Schemes (2003)
- Supplementary Planning Guidance for Water Orton (2003)