​​​What is an Article 4 Direction

Article 4 Directions are put in place by Councils to control particular types of work in some areas and for specific buildings. They help protect local amenity and well-being of an area by conserving its character and appearance by restricting what can be done without the need to make a planning application. 

What this means for you?

Restricted works are specific to the individual Direction but often include the removal of development rights to alter or change the character of your property or garden, such as:

  • Demolition of buildings
  • Replacement of – doors, windows, roofing materials and surface treatments
  • Construction of – extensions, porches, walls, fences and gates
  • Changes to – wall finishes such as rendering, cladding or painting of surfaces 
  • Removal of – garden walls, fences, gates and chimneys
  • Use of concrete or tarmac to create or extend parking and amenity space

What should you do?

If you live in an affected area and intend to start work please check with us first. If you make any controlled alterations without permission we may take action to restore the original appearance at the owner's expense.

What about repair and maintenance?

You can carry out essential repair and maintenance work without planning permissions. However the work must not change the appearance of the property and should use the same types of materials. 

 Article 4 (1) Directions

Land at Mancetter (ART4/1979/001)

The Bungalow, Parsonage Farm, Great Packington (ART4/1981/001)

Polesworth Working Men's Club and Institute, High Street, Polesworth (ART4/1982/001)

Appleby Hill, Austrey (ART4/1983/001)

Water Orton Station and Former School at Attleboro Lane (ART4/2023/001)

Land off Mill Lane, Fillongley, Warwickshire - Direction No 1 2004 (ART4/2004/001)

Land off Mill Lane, Fillongley, Warwickshire - Direction No 2 2004 (ART4/2004/002)