Councillor Debbie bates


  • Planning and Development Board
  • Alcohol and Gambling Licensing Committee
  • Taxi and General Licensing Committee
  • Safer Communities Sub-Committee
  • Health and Wellbeing Working Party (Vice Chair)

Meetings, Minutes and Agendas for all boards, committees and groups

Representation on Outside Bodies

  • Stanyers Charity

Councillors' Surgery for the Kingsbury Ward

Final Friday of each month, from 6.30pm to 7.30pm (commencing 28 July 2023), at Kingsbury Sports & Community Centre, Pear Tree Avenue, Kingsbury, B78 2LG

Declarations of Interest

Declarations of Interest for Debbie Bates  

Ward: Kingsbury

Party: Conservative

Telephone: 07485124901 / 01827873116