What is the Teenage Market?

The Teenage Market is a fast-growing nationwide initiative set up by teenage brothers Joe and Tom Barratt in Stockport transform our town and city centres with the creativity of young people. Supporters of The Teenage Market include businessman Theo Paphitis, designer Wayne Hemingway and retail guru Mary Portas, who described the initiative as being “innovative and inspiring”.

Web banner of stalls and sellers at the teenage market

The energy, diversity and vibrancy of the young people who take part in Teenage Markets is helping to breath life back into high streets, town centres and market areas all across the country, with events now being run in over 25 locations.

The Teenage Market logo

Where are the Teenage Markets located?

Support local young traders and performers by visiting the Teenage Market at:

  • Atherstone Big Weekender on 1st June 8.30am – 1pm

How do I get involved with The Teenage Market?

Getting involved couldn’t be simpler. Simply create your trader or performer profile on the Teenage Market website and then apply to take part in Teenage Markets – North Warwickshire.

After you’ve applied to take part, the organisers will be in touch to let you know if you have been allocated a free stall or performance slot.

Apply to take part in the North Warwickshire Teenage Markets

Co-creator of The Teenage Market, Joe Barratt, said “The Teenage Market really is the key to identifying a new generation of market traders by making young people an active part of our town centres.”

“We are delighted that North Warwickshire Borough Council is giving young people a free platform to get their businesses off the ground and showcase their creative talents.”

He added, “I’d encourage any creative young person to get involved with The Teenage Market as there are so many positive opportunities that can come out of it.”