Emotional Support

Bereavement Services for Adults

Bereavement, grief and loss can cause many different symptoms and they affect people in different ways. There's no right or wrong way to feel. Experiencing the loss of someone close to us through death is a difficult process emotionally and mentally as well as coping with the practical changes that we may have to manage. Warwickshire County Council provide a list of organisations that can help you navigate your feelings.

Bereavement Services for Children

Children and young people who have lost a loved one can be particularly vulnerable and while family and friends will be a major support for many families, some people might want additional support. Below is a list of organisations that can help you and your family to navigate. Warwickshire County Council privide services for bereaved children.

Counselling Services

Warwickshire County Council provide a list of some organisations that can provide counselling support where you can talk to a trained therapist who will listen to you and help you find ways to deal with these difficult times.

Suicide Bereavement Support

A sudden death or death by suicide is a difficult experience for those bereaved.  It can leave people feeling isolated, confused and struggling to cope. You might find it helpful to talk with others who have coped with a similar situation.

Rehab 4 Addiction


Rehab 4 Addiction offers a wealth of resources and information about addiction and mental health, which could be invaluable to those in need following a bereavement. Secondly, we provide a helpline that offers immediate assistance to those struggling with addiction, a service that could be life-saving for some of your readers. Lastly, we offer a comprehensive directory of treatment centres throughout the UK, making it easier for those in need to find help near them.