A Guide to Council Tax in North Warwickshire 2024-2025

You pay your council tax to NWBC but we only keep 10.16%. The rest is shared between Warwickshire County Council (65.15%), plus a separate (9.7%) to support to adult social care (see adult social care precept note), the Warwickshire Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (12.50%) and various Parish Councils (2.49%).

The 10.16% proportion of the council tax received by NWBC in 2024-25 has increased by £6.84 which works out at 13p a week for a band D property.

Band D Property example

Where we spend your money 2023/24 £’000s 2024/25 £’000s
Planning and Economic Development 1,493 1,537
Recreation and Tourism 4,221 4,669
Environmental Health 2,691 2,893
Refuse Collection and Recycling 3,759 3,917
Housing General Fund 9,082 9,126
Housing Revenue Account (HRA) 13,550 13,754
Other Services 4,134 5,146
Contributions to General Fund Reserves and Balances - 2,332
Total that we spend on services 38,930 43,374
Less Income and Grants (15,812) (15,764)
Less Housing Revenue Account (13,589) (14,153)
Contribution to/(from) HRA Reserves and Balances 39 399
Contributions from General Fund Reserves and Balances (685) -
Net Budget Requirement 8,883 13,856
New Homes Bonus (519) (192)
Net Retained Business Rates (2,833) (7,600)
Services Grant (75) (13)
Funding Guarantee grant (315) (824)
Revenue Support Grant (81) (86)
Collection Fund (Surplus)/Deficit (74) 14
Council Tax Requirement (NWBC) 4,986 5,155
Parish Precepts 1,189 1,264
Total Council Tax Requirement (NWBC & Parishes) 6,175 6,419
2024 - 2025 Council Tax Bands
Band Number of Properties NWBC   £ WCC     £ Adult Social Care      £ WPCC £ Parishes £ Total      £
A/AR 6,651 157.13 1,007.43 150.03 193.14 38.55 1,546.28
B 7,365 183.32 1,175.34 175.03 225.33 44.97 1,803.99
C 6,399 209.51 1,34324 200.04 257.52 51.39 2,061.70
D 4,022 235.70 1,511.15 225.04 289.71 57.81 2,319.41
E 2,546 288.08 1,846.96 275.05 354.09 70.66 2,834.84
F 1,358 340.46 2,182.78 325.05 418.47 83.50 3,350.26
G 757 392.83 2,518.58 375.07 482.85 96.36 3.865.69
H 75 471.40 3,022.30 450.08 579.42 115.63 4,638.83
Total 29,173            
Percentage change 2.99% 4.99%   4.69 % 6.37 % 4.78 %

NWBC: North Warwickshire Borough Council

WCC:  Warwickshire County Council

WPCC: Warwickshire Police and Crime Commissioner

North Warwickshire Borough Council use the 10.16 % of the council tax you pay to provide services including:-

  • 2 Leisure Centres, 1 Gym Hub and 1 Leisure Complex comprising a 25 metre pool, a learner pool and fitness suite
  • Atherstone Memorial Hall - main entertainment and function venue which is available for sports and communal use
  • Refuse and Recycling collected from 29,500 domestic properties and 486 trade properties bins
  • Recycling 50% of your household waste
  • Street cleaning and road sweeping throughout the Borough including site clearance of tipped rubbish
  • Maintaining 26 play areas and 7 football pitches
  • A partnership with the Queen Elizabeth School to manage 1 Artificial Grass Pitch and community use of the School Sports Hall
  • Issuing 444 licences relating to premises and individuals to allow the sale of alcohol and gambling and companies and individuals relating to Hackney and Private Hire vehicles
  • Dealing with 900 planning applications
  • Providing 42 industrial units available to rent for small businesses
  • Operating public pay and display car parks throughout the Borough
  • Support for the homeless and investment in homelessness prevention
  • Providing advice on benefits
  • Dealing with noise and other statutory nuisances, air pollution monitoring and statutory duties with regard to contaminated land
  • Visiting food premises to ensure cleanliness and safety
  • Producing the local tier of the Development Plan and other documents required as a statutory duty
  • The cost of collecting Council Tax and Non Domestic Rates

In addition to spending on day to day services the council also spends money on the provision of new assets and the replacement and improvement of existing assets.

The spending plans for the council in 2024-25 are set out below:-


The adult social care precept note

In relation to the financial year beginning in 2024 the Secretary of State has determined (and the House of Commons has approved) a referendum principle of 5% (comprising 2% for expenditure on adult social care and 3% for other expenditure) for adult social care authorities. These authorities may therefore set council tax up to this percentage in 2024 without holding a referendum.

Accounts online

You can use the portal to view:-

  • Your council tax bill
  • Your balance
  • Payments made and future payments

Access the portal via the NWBC website https://www.northwarks.gov.uk/accountsonline and clicking on “view your council tax account”. The front page then has a council tax icon giving you access to information different options.

More Council Tax information can be found at https://www.northwarks.gov.uk/counciltax

Council Tax – Frequently Asked Questions